Friday, May 12, 2017

Update: 5/12/17:

Hey internet. I've been re-vamping this blog a bit. Reading my older writing has been mere comedy for me (and not in a good way). After spending time learning the proper way, and improper way to write I feel so annoyed with my old writing. But I will be writing again, trying to improve and depict my characters the way I want them to be. This time I will not give a date as to when I will post because, I tend to not stick to my word but... I will be updating eventually.... Whenever eventually is. Anywho, keep your eyes peeled for an update. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Update 2/24/17:

I started to go in-game to get pictures for the next chapter. To make a long story short, the save file didn't have all of the things I downloaded for the chapter. I have waaaaay too many save files to begin with, and I'm guessing that somehow I must've overwritten that save file. -_- Anywho, it is taking me longer to finish this chapter as I now have to go back and re-write pretty much everything. I think things will tun out better the way that I am planning to re-construct it. Anyways, a new chapter will be up SOON. As soon as I get this shit together. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017

Update 1/2/17:

Hey guys! Happy New Years! I hope the holidays went swell for everyone. I just want to let you guys know that updates will be on the way in a few weeks. Unfortunately, because my computer is back at my dorm room and I'm back home I do not have access to it. I'll update in about 2-3 weeks. I'm excited to write some more.