Friday, May 18, 2018

Chapter 40: Cacophony:

End of part 2 :)
**Just gonna apologize for the absence of Collin in the pictures. He's in the chapter for such a brief moment, and I was having trouble with getting him integrated in the save file... He's so corrupt and idk what to do. Hopefully I can get him fixed. But that's why there's no pic of him.**

When you wake up with bright lights in your eyes, wincing in pain as you try to get up, that's when you know you've fucked up. If the stench of last night's alcohol and misery sweeps inside  your nose, you know you've definitely fucked up. Once you realize you've got vomit on your arm, and you fell asleep on the bathroom floor last night, you not only fucked up completely, but you are also the fuck up.
"Ugh." I put my hand over my head, it hurt to even think about anything. My throat was dry, and scratchy. All it took was a cough to send me on my feet. I grudgingly moved towards the door, slashing my hand at the light switch. The lights finally stopped burning into my freaking eyes.
I made sure to slam the door shut and lock it. The weight on my shoulders was unbearable. A crack from my neck made me cringe. Son of a bitch.

The mirror doesn't lie, it never does. It only shows the truth, that's all it knows. Staring at my reflection was like watching a horror film. I had black circles around my eyes, my hair was out of place, my lip was busted, my eyes were practically blushing red, and my skin looked so filthy.
A shower was definitely a must, but I didn't even look anywhere near the direction of the shower, I just kept looking at myself in the mirror. 'You cause all of your mess.' My mother was taunting me and she wasn't even here.
What's the point in even going to a party if you can barely even remember what happened the next day? I needed to fix myself. Alcohol had been my comforter not once, and definitely not twice either. The situation always ended up worse. I needed to stop this shit right away.

Finally, I stripped down and left my clothes in a pile next to the shower door. Cranking the faucet on, I stepped inside to the bursting of the warm jets on my back.
In the stream I stood, letting the water hit my body at every different angle. It was nice and even, not too hot and not ice cold. My hair soaked up the water, clinging around my neck in red clusters. It kind of looked like blood on my skin.

  I grabbed some shower gel and rubbed it all over. Reaching past my kneecaps, only to discover that there was a cut on my leg. Something vaguely made sense as to why it was there, but I still couldn't exactly remember.
My body was covered in suds and I decided to just sit down, closing my knees into my chest. I put my head down on my knees so the water wouldn't get in my eyes. I was too tired to stand.

I sat there, angling my head down as I washed my hair. Two sections at a time. The left side first, working the product through, rinsing, and doing the same to the right side.
       The water was still running, and I was still sitting there so I got up. I turned the water off and brushed a few stray bubbles off of my leg.

I stepped out of the shower, grabbing one of the ashy blue towels on Kizzy's towel rack. My wet foot landed right on my leather skirt from last night and I grimaced, picking it up along with my other remnants of clothes.
Her straightener was on the floor, cracked open, along with some electrical wires and pins that were scattered on the floor. Damn, I did that?
I felt so bad. Kizzy didn't deserve that. She let me use her room for one night and look at what had happened. My shit was all over the place. Vomit on the toilet seat, my shoes on the floor.

Shaking the guilty thought out of my mind, I strolled into the bedroom to get my change of clothes. I stopped, feeling a draft in the air, clenching the towel even closer against my body.
Collin was standing in there, looking around and then he saw me and stopped. "Oh, sorry." He smiled with that slick look on his face. "Wrong room."
‘Wrong room,’ my ass. He knew what he was doing, or at least trying to do. I frowned at him,         “Yeah, you definitely got the wrong room.”
He backed up slowly, waving as if he were saying goodbye. Everything about him just gave me the heebie jeebies. I locked the door, and he still managed to barge his way into the room. Something just wasn't right about him.

  My bag was right where I had left it earlier that night. I grabbed it, making my way back into the bathroom again. All I wanted to do was get out of there; I wanted to be anywhere but there.
I threw my white sweater over my head, slipping my legs into my jeans. I hopped around, pulling them up quickly as I made my way towards the door. There was no doubt that I still looked terrible.
My shoes were right next to the door, and I just smooshed my bare feet into them. The slight dampness of my feet made me remember that my socks were in my bag. But I didn't care about them, really.
I put the bag down on the floor as I walked out of the bathroom. It didn't exactly feel "correct" to just walk out without saying bye, or at least thanking Kizzy for letting me stay in her room.

Do you know the feeling of intimidation? That intense feeling of being under the tip of a flame, the hottest point; that feeling that lets you know that you’re actually living. That’s how I felt right then, gazing around at the uneven cluster of eyes staring at me. Intimidation. One wrong move, one wrong word, and it was over for me.
“Hey-“As I walked into the kitchen, I saw a shadow of blackness peering from the corner of the room. I dropped my bag. My lips snapped shut and I looked towards the door. Was it too soon to leave? Was I supposed to stay? I kind of had no choice since my bike was at the house.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" David's face resembled the shade of blood. His soaking wet hair looked black; the tips looking as sharp as ever. He was so focused on Cris that he didn't even notice me standing behind him.
I eased back, unsure of what to really do. It was clear that I had walked in on something I shouldn't have. It was the wrong moment.
"Just tell the truth, I already told Casey!" Cris walked over to him, smiling as he looked back at everyone else in the room, even me. "Just say it." His feet rested right across from a bar stool. "You thought you could lie to me, lie to everyone in this room! You're supposed to be my friend..." There was a slight fray in his voice.
David seemed to just stand there, not saying anything. All I could see was the back of his head, and the tense stature of his body. When I looked behind David, I saw Kizzy. She was whispering something to the girl beside her, anticipation written across her lips.
"Nothing to say for yourself, huh?" Cris egged him on.
"What the fuck do you want me to say?" David responded, throwing his hands up. "I've been telling you the truth."
"No you haven-"

"Wooo! Party people what is going onnnnnn!" My sister chirped into the room, bouncing her hands in the air as if she were dancing.  Her makeup was all smudged and discolored, it only made things more cringe worthy.
I knew I looked like a pale ghost. Did she not hear all of the arguing?! My hands covered my face like a mother shielding her child's eyes when people sunbathed at the beach. "Jess!" I knew it wouldn't end well, but that didn't stop me from trying to make things better.

"Oh wow, look who it is!" Cris got excited, but I grew more and more terrified. “The LSD Queen.” It took a while before I realized why he called her that. I instantly hated Collin even more.
Jess didn't even acknowledge him. Her lingering glare rested upon Cris like the laser on a gun. If looks could kill....
My mind was going a mile a minute. It was like little people in a burning building were running around up there. Open the door over there- no! Open the window! The smoke was just clouding up my brain. Get your phone! Grab your jacket! What about that wallet with that special photo of- Everyone was just racing around up there, panicking; picking up the pieces of their past as they tried to save themselves. A tragedy. Pure tragedy.
"This is just the perfect timing, isn't it?" Cris clapped slowly, that smile growing wider by the second. "Both of the sisters are here!"

I always knew Cris was an asshole, but not that much of an asshole. All eyes were on us now, and I was even more mortified.
"Jess, do you have anything to say for yourself?" The tone of his voice really irked me. It was like there were a bunch of red ants crawling over my skin, biting me in all the little places I never knew were there.
"Leave." I was so relieved to hear Jess say those words. "Take your skank with you!"

Of course Cris didn't move. I wanted him to, but he didn't. It was in that moment when he directed his gaze towards me, and I felt alive. "What about you, Melody?" He was smiling again.        "You're awfully quiet, but maybe you have something to say?"
I looked at David, watching the way his eyes dashed right over to mine. My lips wouldn't move, I just couldn't speak.

There was nothing but silence in the air, and the twisted laughter coming from Cris. David was just staring at the trash laden floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
I watched as his jaw line shifted a bit, and then his fists tightened. It all happened with one swift motion. The barstools crashed against the ground, and I stood there nearly blinded.
David was holding onto his shirt, pulling him in right to his face. "This is not the fucking time." I watched as his eyes kept chasing cris.'

"You wanna fight, bro?!" Cris was nearly bouncing off of his feet, ready to go. "Let's go, man! Come on!" Cris was shouting as he landed on his back. The thrill and the rush could be felt through his eager smile. I felt it. "Let's go! Woo!" They rumbled back and forth on that floor, and it didn't take long before streaks of blood oozed from the both of their skin.
A punch here, a punch there. I looked at Casey, and she was just watching it all happen, not saying a word. David was muttering something, holding onto Cris as they rolled over the red solo cups on the floor. Crush! They split in half, sputtering across the room from all of that pressure. I felt like I was watching a destruction derby.
I tried to look away, but my eyes forced me to see what I didn't want to see. David was on top of Cris, striking him left and right. More blood emerged.

"Stop!" My voice was screeching. Everyone was staring at me as if I was the one beating up my so called friend. I knew better than to jump in.
"Guys, come on!" My sister ran over to them, but I didn't stay there to see what happened. I headed for the room, and I didn't look back.
There was a constraint in the room. It felt like the entire house would collapse from all of the pressure. The force was unbearable.

A string of booms banged their way through my chest. My heart was a boombox; beating so fast and hard, it wanted to be heard. I tried to calm myself down, grasping onto my breath that just kept running away from me.
         I had to leave. The smell of alcohol and delusion still misted the air. It was like I caught a whiff of an air freshener when I opened the door to Kizzy’s room. My bag, there it was. I rushed over to it, slinging it over my shoulder.
         Clack! All the sounds of rage were still blaring in the background. I approached the door with caution. Did I really want to walk back out there? It was the only way ou-
        “Hey!” Tingles ripped all along my arm, freezing me dead in my tracks. Elliot was in the doorway. “Where are you going?”

            The lights were still on, so I shut them off. My eyes glazed behind him, at the floor, at my feet; anywhere but at him. “I’m leaving” Heat was cushioned in the small space between us, but I maneuvered through that tiny space.
            Just as I was about to slip through the cracks of embarrassment, he kept me there a little bit longer. There was so much strength in his grip as he held onto my arm. “Why?” He was staring into my eyes, connecting the dots on my face. “What’s wrong?”
            All I could focus on were the noises. Those noises of hatred. He let go of me. I shivered from the fear, and he was just standing there behind me. My back was turned towards him, but I felt his gaze. “Everything,” I said. Things weren’t supposed to be like this, and I knew that. Girls like me, didn’t hang out with guys like David.
           I could see my room. My real room. “Everything’s all wrong.” A room that was once so neat and quiet, so bland and drab; was now cluttered and cacophonous. It needed some serious cleaning, and I knew that. But, I wasn’t sticking around to clean up the mess. I didn’t need to clean anything. I needed to abandon it all.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Chapter 39: Downer:

Two years later, and finally there's an update lol. I still hate this chapter but, it is what it is.

        It was a big night for the students at Lakewood. A big night full of girls, liquor, and all kinds of drugs. Things were bound to be wild. I wanted to loosen up a bit, have a few laughs, mellow out with a little MaryJane, enjoy the music, and just chill. None of that would happen though, especially with Eli being my God damn shadow.
        “Who’s gonna be here tonight?” As soon as he asked one question, there was always another.                 
       “You’re DD for the night. Right?” He started to walk faster, almost taking the lead without knowing where the hell he was going.
        I wished mom hadn’t decided that he could come with me. Why was his own mom such a freaking let down? Eli wasn’t a baby. Why the hell was it my job to ‘introduce him to my friends?’ My friends were my friends, not his. 
        “Where do you think you’re going?” I stopped walking.
        “Well David, you’re walking so slow-” His voice was irritating as all hell.
        “Look- Don’t do this shit at the party, alright?” I looked at him, feeling a hotness in my chest. Anger, pure anger. I didn’t need that shit tonight. “What the fuck are you even wearing?!?!” He always thought he had to dress up like some fancy Wall Street guy. 
        “I’m wearing class, that’s what I’m wearing.” He fiddled with his tie, still pressing me for questions. “That doesn’t matter anyway!” He threw his hands in the air. “You are DD for the night. Right?”
        A snicker came right out of my mouth. I shrugged, “I guess.”
        He got all riled up, just as I expected. “David! We can’t jus-”
        “Relax. We’re spending the night. Kizzy’s cool, it’s alright.” I studied his reaction so precisely like I had a magnifying glass in front of my eyes.
        Oh, so now we’re spending the night?” He asked. His face reminded me of my dad’s, when he asked me a shit ton of questions or accused me. I hated that look, that face; it made me want to snap. Everything about him was just like my father.
        “Yeah. Is there a problem?” I was dying for him to back out.
        “No, but you should’ve told me.” He pointed ahead saying, “Let’s go.”

        We kept walking down the street until we finally got to Kizzy’s driveway. Eli kept shit talking about how far I parked my car, and how it made no sense.
         It made no sense to him, but it made plenty of sense to me. No one was going to touch my car. Not only that but, if the cops had decided to show up it wouldn’t look good if I had my car in the driveway. 
        We got to the door and I heard a couple of girls laughing. One of them was definitely Jess, and I was almost certain I heard Casey. I knew her laugh, better than my own. 
        Damn. I was walking into a shit show. I thought about how distant I had been, and midway through my reluctance Jess answered the door. “Shit!” I mumbled.

        She gasped. “Daaaaaavid!” Her smile was gigantic. “I’m so glad you made it!” She pulled me in, with Eli following behind me.

        It was awkward. Standing there, seeing Casey and everyone else talking and making drinks. Jess told us to “relax and wait for everyone to show up.” We sat on the couch in front of the tv, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them in the kitchen.
         I fiddled with my nails while I sat on the couch, kind of biting them. Cris sent me a text, I didn’t read it though. A sigh escaped my mouth, a real deep one. 
        “Can we talk?” Casey was right in front of me, yet I still was kind of stunned.
        Really, it wasn’t a question, it was more like a demand. “Yeah,” I got up, looking at Kizzy and Jess, glad they weren’t watching. My arm was around Casey, and she led me into a hallway off to the side, talking all low.

        “Do you wanna break up?” Her arms were folded over her chest, she looked angry with me but I could see a wetness in her eyes.
        The last thing I wanted to hear was that question. I mean, I didn’t care really, but I just didn’t want to hear it. The argument wasn’t worth it, so I tried to tip-toe around it. “I just need time. I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy.” There was no effort in my voice, and I was sure she could tell. I was tired; tired of us in general.
        “Okay, I’ll give you your time.” She walked away, talking as she went. "I don't know what's up with you."
        “Case, come on.” I whispered, but she wasn’t hearing it. For a second I thought maybe that would be it. We would just never speak again, and break up; but I knew it wasn’t over. Not yet.

        I needed a hit. Real bad. Collin had a bunch of alcohol on the counter, but I didn’t smell any weed. Not even when I walked in. Drinking wasn’t really what I wanted to do tonight. I wanted to fill my lungs, and empty my mind. The thought of leaving to go score some pot sounded better.
        A door opened down the hall, and I tried to act all cool like I hadn’t just been standing there with a blank stare, and an escape plan. I loosened up once I saw who it was though, It was Melody.
Daunting and daring she was, all dressed up like a black cat. She had heels on, and these studded cat ears. To make it all even better, she had a tail too. I liked it, that look on her; it was different-edgy. Her socks came all the way up to her kneecaps, they were striped with the colors black and blue.

        “I thought you were coming later?” Her voice was ringing with her last word. She said it more like a question rather than a statement. I caught a blush peeking through her cheeks.
        “Nah, ended up coming earlier.” I shrugged my shoulders, and took in her whole body with my eyes. She was watching me stare her down, and I wanted her to. I wasn’t hiding my gaze. “What’s up with the outfit?”
        She clasped her hands in front of her legs like she was holding hands with someone. “Uh- well… Jess lied to me.”
        Jess lied to you?!?!” I was cracking the hell up. “What do you mean?”
        “She told me it was a costume party, just so I would show up like this. We all came here together, changed, and I was the only one who looked out of place.” Her tone nearly gouged my eyes out of their sockets. “She thought it was ‘sexy.’” She used air quotes, rolling her eyes. “You know- I don’t even wanna be here anymore.”

        “Tell me about it.” I knew I couldn’t leave without Eli. To make shit even worse, I knew I couldn’t do all the things I wanted to do. He was a mole, I didn’t trust him at all. “I can’t leave though.”
        “Why not?”
        “My cousin is with me…” I got quiet. Melody had a habit of asking me questions, and I tried to avoid them.
        “Is this the one you-” I knew exactly what she was referring to.
        “Yup.” I crossed my arms, wondering what she was thinking. “I’m just here for the bud.” I tried to change the topic. Oddly enough, I kind of wanted to smoke with her again.
        She gave me her judging glare, and said “wow.” Her lips really popped when she said that. “I can’t say I’m surprised, David.”
        “What?” I looked at her like she was crazy. “I thought you would-”
        “Smoke?” She asked before bursting out into a frenzied laugh. “I can’t do that.”
        “Why not?” I thought she had something going on. Maybe a drug test or something. “You gotta pee in a cup soon?” I raised my eyebrows.
        I made her laugh. “No,” she kept giggling before she calmed down. “I just wanna be sober, you know? I’m trying to keep a clear conscience.”
        “Keep a clear conscience?” She really had a way of throwing me off sometimes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
        This weird smile emerged on her face, and she started heading to the direction of the kitchen. “It means what it means, David.” 
        Once again she did that little thing she did. Going with the wind, and taking my mind right with her.


        It didn’t take long for the party to really kick off. I was tapping my foot to the beat of the music, staring at the coffee table through my squinted eyes. It was littered with green specks, and white papers made for rolling up tobacco. Some makeshift filters were near the rolling papers. They looked like tiny cut up pieces of cardboard from a toilet paper roll; they probably were.
        There was some sweat peeking through my forehead, and I wiped it off with the back of my hand. “I need some air.” I said to Cris, but I didn’t realize that he wasn’t interested in a thing I had to say. 

        “Huh?” Cris broke the kiss he was sharing with Emma. They were so attached, looking like conjoined twins. He had his hands creeping under her shirt, and his hands moved like a see-saw. I could tell he was conflicted.
        Things were about to get awkward, and I didn’t want to be a third wheel. “Nothing, I’m just gonna head downstairs.”
        “Nah man, you don’t have to go-really…” He tried to get up, but Emma pulled his arm.
        “Let’s just stay here!” Her eyes kept dipping down, and darting around like a weed being blown in the breeze.
        I got up and walked to the doorway. “Seriously man, it’s alright. I’ll catch you later.” I waved goodbye, shutting the door behind me.
        Cris said something on my way out, but I didn’t catch it. Whatever he said was muffled and muted by the kiss Emma planted on his lips.

        There were so many people dancing, standing around talking, and enjoying themselves. All I could smell was alcohol as I walked down the steps. It was much cooler down there, even with all of the sweaty people bobbing around.
        My joint was being pinched between my thumb and index finger. I took one long drag; held it in real deep. The taste of smoke warmed my taste buds.

        All the way in the back I could see someone familiar. Squinting my eyes, and trying to figure out who it was; I realized it was Casey. I exhaled, the smoke became a big stormy cloud in front of my face. Once it cleared up all I could see was her; she rolled her eyes and walked away.

        I ignored her, walking further into the room full of people. It felt like I was gliding. I didn’t bump into anyone. All I did was pat their shoulders and say: “Hey,” and “How’s it goin,” or even “Sick party, right?” Everyone just smiled and kept bopping to the music.

        The kitchen was the hot spot of the night, and as I made my way through the entrance I saw why. Lines of people were zapping in and out of the kitchen with red solo cups in their hands. Drinks spattered all over the floor as they all grabbed a drink, and headed back out to the living room.
        It seemed as if the bottle of Jack Daniels was staring right at me. I wanted to drink, but I knew that would be a crappy idea. There was so much alcohol, and I wondered where the hell it all came from. Jess sure had the hookup.
        I turned around, trying to avoid looking at it. It was mystifying and made me feel far away. A girl came up to me. Apparently she knew me, but I didn't recognize her from anywhere. I wasn't even sure if she went to Lakewood. We talked aimlessly about sports. She was getting all close to me.         After a few minutes of feigning conversation, she walked away, telling me to "text her sometime." I knew I wouldn't, but I told her I would and she walked off.

        I leaned back against the counter; watching people dance while I continued to enjoy my bud. The puffs I took were all shallow and short. It was like I was stuck in a trance, just staring at their swaying bodies. A weird syncopated melodic line played over the speakers. It was real fast and frantic; everybody started jumping and I felt the floor shake.

        Just then I realized something. Eli’s face was in the crowd of frantic people, but he wasn’t jumping. He was struggling to make his way out, and he had Melody with him. They fought through the arms of people, twisting through their bodies like they were stubborn tree branches.
        Finally, they made it out. All I did was stand there and take them in for a second, and I realized Melody was stumbling a bit. She smiled like she was at the top of a roller coaster ride. “I need a minute!” She was touching the wall, trying to stand up. Her other hand was on her stomach. I remembered what she said to me earlier. So much for being sober.
        Eli laughed at her before he reached out to try and grab her. The red solo cup in his hands crashed to the ground; spilling out a brown liquid. He wrapped his hands around her waist, and nearly dragged her into the kitchen.

         I watched him walk Melody up to the counter. They stood right in front of various drinks. “Agh! Melody, please…” Eli tried to get Melody off of him. He gently eased her back into the edge of the counter; taking her hand and resting it on the counter. “There.” He said before cracking open the bottle of beer that was in front of him. “You know, thanks to you I spilled my drink.” He gave her this patronizing gaze along with a smirk.
        “I said I’m sorry!” She managed to slowly walk away from the counter, and clung onto the back of his shoulders. “I can send you mone-”
        Eli turned around and faced her. I can tell it kind of disoriented her because she bumped into his chest a bit. She leaned on his chest with her hands, and I knew he was loving every minute of it. He knew what he was doing. “No. It’s alright, I’ve got plenty more.” He winked at her, and stroked her hair like he was pulling weeds.
        “Okay…” She lowered her eyes, and said “You should be kind, and get me a drink too.” A giggle made its way into the air. Melody looked at the bottle of beer behind them.

        Smoke rushed out of my mouth. I started coughing as if it was my first time taking a hit. “You don’t need another drink!” Melody was pissing me off. I got closer to them, and she backed away from him.
        “David, let the girl drink if she wants to.” Eli was glaring at me, and he clasped the solo cup with his hand. He tried to push it behind him, so I wouldn’t get to it.
        I didn’t understand it. Melody was acting all down and out before, but now she was suddenly the life of the party. “You’re both drunk, and she can barely keep her eyes open!” I knew that look. I had seen that look in myself way too many times. “Look at her!” I pointed at Melody who just kept chuckling, looking like she was in another universe.
        “She’s capable of making decisions for herself, you know.” Eli tried to grab Melody by the arm, and lead her away. “Come on, Melly.”

        Melly? Where did that come from? He acted as if he had known her for years. He just fucking met her a few hours ago. 
        They were about to walk away. I was quick and on my toes. Grabbing one of the random solo cups, I tossed it at them. Really, I wanted Eli to get hit with it more than anything. Melody had gotten a little bit of the beer on her. The little brown beads of alcohol ran down her shiny black leather skirt like raindrops on a gutter.
        “David!” She gasped, and I saw a bunch of people turn around and look at the three of us.
        Eli looked like he wanted a fight right then and there. He was tense as fuck, and I could see him holding the impending rage deep inside his chest. The pace of his breath grew deep, and he let out this mutter I couldn’t catch. “You bett-
        Melody stumbled forward when I grabbed her, leading her out of the kitchen. “Come on.” I led her towards the direction of the stairs.

        Walking up the stairs was a real struggle, but somehow Melody managed to move her legs with the direction of the stairs. I opened the door to Kizzy’s room, and closed it with my foot.
        The sound must've startled her because she tried to talk. "I don-" She moved around on my back, trying to break free. "Let me go."
        I locked the door, which made her lunge forward a little bit because of the way my arm moved. She was so warm, and sticky. The smell of alcohol was all over her like she had drowned in it.
        My fingers were getting all covered in whatever was on her, and I felt them slipping. The last thing I wanted to do was tug on her, and tighten my grip. I needed to put her down; I looked straight ahead at Kizzy's bed. It was freshly made, and looked just like the sky; baby blue.

        When I placed her on the bed, she tried to get up. It was amazing how much she wanted to spring forward, even though she couldn't even walk anywhere by herself. Her eyes moved all around, trying to focus on mine.
        I had her pressed into the bed. It was a tense moment, and honestly I was a bit uncomfortable. There was this urge creeping up inside of me. I wanted to kiss her, but then again I couldn't bring myself to do that. The way she was all over Eli, and the state she was in- it just made me feel bad. Sad even.
        The staring contest we were sharing just got more demanding. She was fighting to get up, but I wouldn't let her. "Stay. Stay here, and get some rest." I broke my gaze with her, looking at the door. "I locked the door. You need to rest."
       "I'm no-" She tried to speak.
       "You're drunk," I said. My eyes met her again, and they roamed down a little bit before returning. "So much for staying sober, huh?"

        She gave in, easing into the bed. "Leave." Her eyelids grew smaller. "Get out!" The sound of her voice almost pushed me off of her.
        I got up, and took off my shoes. There was this game of tug of war going on in my mind. Lay on the other side, or leave... I walked closer to the other side of the bed, watching her lay there with her hand on her head. A groan rose out of her lips, and she moved around. I knew I couldn't leave her alone.